Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Ok...since I am the oldest; I will go first. What do you think you spend on clothes per year? I am embarrassed to say that I have no idea. If I had to guess, I would think maybe...$4000...not including shoes????

I am not as bad as I was five years ago. As I have gotten older; and heavier...my clothing allowance has shifted (like my waistline) from clothing to footwear and accessories.

I never buy second hand clothes...all new. I prefer wearing new clothes...they fit better. My washing machine has a habit of shrinking clothes, so they always feel best first time. Like the average person, I always seem to resort back to my favorites...I have a whole closet of clothes that I never wear. I have a uniform...black pants and either greym white or beige tops. I do throw the occasional red in too. Summer is brighter...winter is very neutral.

I will post pictures of the uniform and what I feel most comfortable in...along with my "wish uniform" later

1 comment:

  1. You always look so pulled together Deb! I can't wait to see your dream uniform!
